The path to taking back your control starts here.


Navigating separation & divorce shouldn’t be done alone.

We are stronger, and braver, together.


About Danielle…

I am the strategic separation and divorce specialist coach for Australian women who are navigating separation, divorce and/or co-parenting with a controlling person. This includes women who are residing in Australia because their partner/co-parent is Australian.

I provide my clients with specialised strategic guidance, resources, tools and support to take back their control with less confusion, and importantly to move forward with greater certainty and confidence.

Part of my past training has included working with renowned US author and advocate, Tina Swithin (known for her One Moms Battle website and work in the space of narcissistic abuse).

*Have you thought that your current or former partner may be a “narcissist”, or perhaps may have ADHD, are Bipolar or something else that can present in a similar way to Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Do they often seem emotionally immature, and incapable of compromise or being reasonable? These characteristics and behaviours can fall into the category of “high-conflict”.

Coaching with Danielle has helped me to carefully plan my separation from my controlling husband. There were so many things that I would have never have thought to do or put in place if it wasn’t for Danielle’s support.
My former husband has blamed me for so many years that I still sometimes doubt that things were as bad as I remember. Danielle is a fantastic sounding board every time I start to doubt myself or my reality. I am so thankful that my psychologist referred me to Danielle!
— Em

My lawyer could see that I was struggling emotionally and suggested that I connect with Danielle. Working with Danielle has been exactly what I have needed. I’m so much calmer every time I need to speak with my lawyer since working with Danielle. My lawyer has commented on how much better I will present in court, and my family members have noticed that I’m more positive in general now. Thank you Danielle!
— Tania
Danielle’s not a lawyer, but she connects with lawyers and barristers and has a good sense of what patterns are going on in the court system, including potential outcomes in terms of things like parenting orders - I know this because my lawyer referred me to Danielle.

The fact that my experienced family lawyer spoke so highly of Danielle was enough for me. After the Discovery Call I knew I needed Danielle on my team. Don’t get me wrong, my lawyer is great, but her expertise is the law and telling me my legal options - Danielle is the one who helps me get clear on what path is aligned with the outcome I’m hoping for, and also helps me to see my options with a strategic lens. Also, there are some things that lawyers just don’t tell you. Danielle is honest and to-the-point, and very skilled at helping me to see the big picture. Also, I just feel better since working with her! Thank you Danielle!
— Keri

I first discovered Danielle by listening to The Post-Separation Abuse podcast. Listening to Danielle speak about things that other professionals avoid, and then reading Danielle’s website, I finally felt truly seen and heard.

I booked a Discovery Call because I knew the Coaching Package would be the right path for me, and Danielle was exactly the same as she is on her podcast! I felt comfortable chatting with her straight away - she’s like a coach/counsellor/therapist/lawyer/strategist all rolled into one and I knew I had to have her in my corner.
If you have experienced any kind of control in your relationship, and there are still lingering problems after separation, Danielle is the person you need.
— Vanessa


I understand what you’re dealing with.

I’ve been there, and done that.



News about EVP (Escaping Violence Payment)…

You are able to use your EVP to cover the cost of working with me. Book a Discovery Call to learn more.

Need more information about the Escaping Violence Payment, including how and where to apply?


How to work with me

  • • A one hour private call with Danielle

    This one-off session is perfect for women who aren’t sure if they will need or want ongoing support.

    This consultation is perfect if you have one main issue to address in your separation, divorce or co-parenting journey, or if you are in the early stages of planning separation.

    This consultation is perfect if you want to more clearly understand the steps of separation more clearly, and don’t want to pay big bucks to a lawyer for just the dry legal side of things!

    Whilst I don’t give legal advice, I have supported many Australian women to better understand ther general position with finances and/or parenting, and can assist them to understand the necessary ‘next steps’.

    If you want or need more support after this one-off call, you can book additional one-off calls, or level-up to a coaching package.

  • $200

    Payable securely at the time of booking.

    *Don’t worry, you can easily reschedule your appointment if needed without losing your payment.

  • Use the button to quickly and easily book your one hour coaching call.

  • • 6 hours of private coaching calls, to be utilised within 12 months.

    • Email support between calls.

    • Complimentary access to the Stronger Braver Together Membership while your coaching package is active.

    This includes:

    • Direct message support via The Membership app.

    • Access to exclusive information and resources.

    • Secure conversations with other women who ‘get it’.

    • All of the above in a secure online support and resource hub, available via desktop and smartphone app.

    • Weekly group support calls (optional attendance).

  • $1500

    Payable in full up front, securely via credit/debit card, PayPal or direct bank deposit.

    OR via a payment plan:

    Plan A: 6 x $250 spaced fortnightly.

    Plan B: 8 x 187.50 spaced fortnightly.

    Plan C: 10 x $150 spaced fortnightly.

  • Use the button to quickly and easily book your free initial Discovery Call to discuss your situation with Danielle and your interest in the Coaching Package.

    The Discovery Call is also a great first step if you would like guidance to decide between one-off calls and the Coaching Package.

What is a Strategic Separation & Divorce Coach, and why do you need one?


Even when it’s amicable, relationship breakdown is one of the most challenging things that people will ever face.

The stakes are even higher if you have been the victim of control or other forms and abuse, particularly if you are concerned that your ex is not going to let go of the control just because the relationship is over. (Unfortunately, continued attempts to control after separation are common).

After separation, it might feel like you are in a battle regarding money, property or even your kids.

I know how upsetting and frustrating it is when you want an ‘amicable’ and low-conflict separation, yet your former partner’s personality and behaviour gets in the way of reasonable conversation and compromise.

Having strategic, high-level support in the form of an experienced specialist Separation & Divorce Coach can increase your odds of achieving a positive outcome, and preserving your sanity in the process!

Working with me also means that you are less likely to give in to the demands of a controlling former partner just to ‘get it over with’. (Giving in to demands doesn’t end the conflict forever, it just compromises your outcome).

My role when supporting clients includes solution-focused and strategic support with mindset, and can also include guidance with parenting and co-parenting, preparation for things like mediation or court, and preparation for giving instructions to your lawyer.

Having an in-depth understanding of parenting matters, the legal/court process and high-level strategy when dealing with a controlling or ‘high-conflict’ person is something that separates me as a specialist Separation and Divorce Coach from other divorce coaches.

When your ex is controlling, and may have other high-conflict personality traits, it’s in your best interests, and that of your kids, to have a skilled and knowledgeable strategy partner on your team.

 Need a better way to approach your separation, divorce and co-parenting struggles?

Danielle Black - your go-to Divorce Coach when you're struggling with a nightmare divorce in Australia.  Solution-focused support, plus an online resource hub.  Book a free discovery call today.

You’ve come to the right place.


My clients choose to work with me for a number of reasons, including:

• To optimise the outcome for themselves and their children.

• To learn how to best protect themselves and their children from further harm and trauma.

• To better understand the reality of the legal system, especially when it comes to parenting matters.

• To understand and process the loss of their marriage or long-term relationship in a way that is transformative and meaningful.

• To learn how to co-parent with their ex-partner, set boundaries and minimise conflict.

• To improve their chances of achieving a fair financial settlement - that doesn’t cost them their sanity or the clothes off their back in the process.

• To take back their control and move forward with calm confidence and clarity.


Nightmare co-parenting situation? Not sure how to choose a lawyer? Danielle Black is a specialist High-Conflict Separation, Divorce & Co-Parenting Coach in Australia.  Danielle can help.

Separating from, divorcing and co-parenting with a controlling high-conflict person is an experience that is difficult to put into words.


Having labels or diagnoses for your ex, like “narcissist”, “ADHD” or “bipolar” can sometimes help to describe his personality and behaviour patterns.

Yet, without specialised resources and support, having a label for your ex is just going to keep you stuck and focused on him.

…Exactly where he wants your focus to be.


Labelling or attempting to 'diagnose' your ex (with a personality disorder, mental illness or with ADHD) also has the potential to severely undermine your credibility, and may negatively impact your experience (and outcome) in mediation or court.



You may have already been endlessly seeking a better way of doing things - but have been left feeling overwhelmed and confused.

Searching for a “silver bullet”…or waiting it out, hoping that things will magically get better on their own…


This can lead to feeling paralysed by worry and confusion.

Danielle Black - specialist separation & divorce coach for women in Australia.  Worried about the cost of lawyer?  Wanting to reduce conflict? I can help.

I’m going to tell you a secret...

It’s not your fault.


You were probably never taught about the red flags of controlling high-conflict people, and you definitely weren’t prepared for the nightmarish reality of separating from a controlling person with high-conflict personality traits and behaviours.

You probably aren’t aware of the realities of family law and the court system, including how your presentation can affect how you are viewed by the Judge, mediators, Court Child Experts and even your own lawyer.

You don’t yet know how to best approach things like mediation and court-ordered evaluations, when your credibility and the outcome for you and your children is on the line.

Divorcing a narcissist? Talk to expert high-conflict divorce coach Danielle Black today

It can be a struggle to manage your ex-partners twisted version of reality - a series of lies that may paint you as the aggressor, (or as being ‘crazy’ or ‘paranoid’) and you don’t know how to best protect yourself from false allegations, such as; ‘alienation’ and ‘gatekeeping’ (two favourite accusations used by abusers and their lawyers).

Instead, you may be relying on your ex calming down, and becoming reasonable, if you give in to them, and be nice to them. They’ll calm down eventually right?


We can’t fully heal from our experiences until we know what we are healing from.

Get more understanding about what you are experiencing, and have access to a one-of-a-kind tool for documenting it, with the exclusive and comprehensive Post-Separation Abuse Checklist & eBook created by Danielle.

Level-up your understanding of post-separation abuse today.



Ready for a better way?


Published & Featured In: 


Click the image above to be taken to ‘The Post-Separation Abuse Podcast’, hosted by Danielle, with Apple podcasts.

The Post-Separation Abuse Podcast can also be found on Spotify and other podcast hosting platforms.


Click the image above to read Danielle’s contribution in the leading Australian publication MamaM!a

Follow along.

Danielle Black, specialist Australian Divorce Coach, is an authorised network member of The Separation Guide