How to work with me

I work with women at all stages of their separation, divorce or co-parenting journey.

You may need support with planning, strategy, setting boundaries, communicating with your ex, parenting plans, court preparation or more.

Whatever you’re dealing with, I can help.


Who I work with...

Should you stay, or should you go? Let's talk.


Women who are thinking about separating from their high-conflict partner and are searching for clarity about their relationship, and certainty about their next steps. For some, this may ultimately include support to make a separation plan…

You’re not alone.

Divorce & Co-Parenting…

…women who have already separated and are in the trenches dealing with the reality of a controlling former partner and want more tools, strategy, confidence and support.

There is a better way, take our hand.


…and women who want to believe that life can be wonderful again, even though they didn’t sign up for this sh*t… women who want support to heal, recover… and create an un-f*ck-withable life that they love.

So much is possible - are you ready to claim it?

If any of these statements resonate with you, you should consider working with me:


• I feel like I’m alone and that very few people in my world seem to understand what I’m dealing with.

• I’m new to divorcing a controlling person (or ‘narcissist’) and I don’t want to make a mistake.

• I’m worried that my ex might go after me legally for significant care of my children.

• I’m preparing to leave, and want to do what I can to optimise my outcome right from the start.

• My ex has already started ‘telling his story’ to others, and it’s very different to the truth.

• I’m struggling to accept the reality of my situation, and I’m not sure what I should reasonably expect going forward. I want to minimise nasty surprises.

• I don’t understand what matters to the court or professionals connected to the court. I feel lost.

• I want to talk to someone who understands what I need strategically, and who also has a positive lived experience of the court system - hearing horror stories of court isn’t helping, I need facts to help me manage my expectations.

• I’m not sure if my lawyer is the right fit. I don’t know if I need to change lawyers, or use a different approach with them to help them understand my situation better.

• I don’t feel heard or understood by my lawyer.

• I’m struggling with what I should document, and how I should do it.

• I’m concerned about the financial separation. I’d like to get a sense of what ‘fair’ means before I’ve spent hundreds (or thousands!) on a lawyer or other associated costs.

• I’d like support to help ensure that my decisions are informed and well thought-out. I don’t want to mistakenly agree to a financial split, or parenting arrangement, out of fear or some other emotion.

• I’ve been told to use ‘grey rock’ communication with my ex, but I’m not informed about how it might negatively impact my case and my overall outcome. I don’t want to accidentally harm my case.

• I’m preparing for mediation or a meeting with a Court Child Expert, and I have no idea what to realistically expect.

• I’m worried about the impact on my kids.

When you say YES to working with me, you are saying YES to creating a solid foundation for years to come…the solid foundation that you deserve.